Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A belated Selamat Hari Raya greeting from me to all muslim friends out there, and Happy Deepavali to those I haven't wished yet. Eid each year hasn't exactly been something for me to celebrate, maybe due to the way we were brought up. Spending 9 years abroad without any cousins / grandparents does that to you I guess, especially during my younger years. I have always thought of the Eid as the end of the fasting month, and in recent years an excuse to smoke during the day in public that is. Even until now, Eid hasn't exactly been the grand celebration that I want it to be. My mind says celebrate, but my heart isn't jumping around for joy. Jaded? Only old I guess.

My views have gotten me in trouble with the wife before, especially when it comes to celebrations. Those who know me know that if its even remotely possible, I'd rather stay home than go anywhere. I just love lounging at home layan Astro and just slobbing around. I have to make an effort just to go out. I do enough walking at work and all so anything extra is just a chore. The traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur don't really help matters either so I do have a good excuse if I need one!

Anyway, off to do a project for a client. Funny thing is that the project might be called off due to one client's department decision on whether to opt in or not. Whatever, as long as we get paid huh? LOL!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Home and away...

Back home, hell of a flight. A screaming baby in the row in front of you and a kid kicking the back of your chair throughout the flight doesn't bode well for a relaxing flight. Oh well, at least the kid stopped kicking the chair after I unbuckled my belt and threatened to whip her. Screw the parents and their dirty looks, if you don't want your kid to be taught a lesson by me, you'd better do the teaching yourself.

Anyway, apart from an appaling flight, everything is great. Seeing Alif for the first time in a month has been great. The best part? He actually remembered me! As soon as he saw me he gave the goofiest semi-filled-by-teeth grin I have ever seen and ran to me! Ran, like seriously that kid can fly now. And hugged me, still smiling that endearing grin of his. When Mazni wanted to carry him since I had to settle my bags and all he still didn't want to release me. It is nice to be missed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Admit it, foos!

I am slightly racist. I am, I admit it. Its true. And I challenge whoever to tell me they're not. Its a fact of life that a person would feel superior over others, be it due to language skills, brains or looks.

However, no matter how much of a racist you are, it is in the best interest of a multi-racial society to keep those feelings hidden as deep as possible in order to be politically correct. But damn, sometimes it really does piss you off.

In my line of work, I deal with a lot of other races / nationalities. Call me kampung but I prefer working with Malaysians / Malays. It just makes it easier to convince people that my view is usually right. This doesn't mean that Malays are walkovers, just that they are more open to other people's point of views (or if not open to them, at least they listen patiently).

There are a few people on my course who I wonder how in the hell will survive not only at work, but also in society at large! Overbearing, bossy, smart-alecky, just think of the worst adjectives in the English language and tack them on the list.

We have a pseudo Arabic Canadian wannabe who will agree with anyone with white skin in order to be accepted by "the superior race". And belligerent with others. Thing is the knowledge she has in the company / products doesn't amount to much.

Why am I going on about this? I have to do a final presentation with the aforementioned person and I have a feeling its going to be very tough. Good thing it won't be for so long, but it still is going to be time consuming especially with the dataset we have to load.

Fun eh? Pfftt.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Ears are ringing!

Last weekend was fun, Saturday was spent in London with Idlan whom I haven't seen for quite some time. Went to Camden, followed by buka puasa at Mawar. Frankly, that was the first time I entered Mawar restaurant my whole life. Funny eh?

Anyway, we had dinner with Alan, Marisa and anak dia yang bertambah comel dan comot as well as an acquaintance of Idlan's called Fikh. Agak kelakar jugak bila tengok Marisa tetiba dingin jer, but it was all in good fun! So now you guys have me to thank for creating a new friendship huh? LOL!

Currently stuck in training for this software package that comes between production software and the data historian / SCADA systems. Its fun, but the only thing is that the instructor comes off a little anal! :D

And boy, can he keep talking non-stop!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Stand up and run away

Hello. For the past 3 weeks I've had to adapt to a totally different climate, and some of my training mates aren't exactly quite right in the head. We have a hunchbacked dame with delusions of grandeur, a pig of a brute with high opinions of himself and an argumentative little creep. Thing is I've been grouped up with one of them for the final project, so if they don't behave they're in for a little bitch slapping. Especially since some of them are of the I love the sound of my own voice type.

I'm like that as well, but never for the sake of just arguing, thats such an utter waste of time. I hate arguments, I try and go a long way out of my way to evade them. So what I usually do is just let them rant, plaster a smile on my face and let them learn firsthand the follies of not listening to me.

And I'm usually not wrong.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dinner with old friends

Hey... Has it really been 8 years since the last time we met? Great meeting up with you guys, especially the *leelwan*. Comel nak mampus! At least I started missing my son less when I was holding her.

I'll be back in about 10 days now, but the last weekend around I'll be spending at their place. They've graciously offered to let me crash, so another dinner will be on me k?

The funny thing about places is that the more time passes by, the less you remember the bad things about it and then you're only left with good memories.

I thought / believed that the UK was fun but my beliefs came crashing all around me on arrival at Heathrow. One and a half hour wait for immigration? One word sums it all up: - "BRITISH"

See ya guys.

Wow, back again after a break

First things first, I apologise for yanking my blog off the net. I have been guilty of doing this over and over again over time. The reasons stayed the same, but the conviction hasn't wavered yet!

Today is the beginning of a new era in Blogdom coz Groo has for the third time restarted a blog!

Long live the Groo!

p.s. screw updates, I'm not filling in the gaps!