A belated Selamat Hari Raya greeting from me to all muslim friends out there, and Happy Deepavali to those I haven't wished yet. Eid each year hasn't exactly been something for me to celebrate, maybe due to the way we were brought up. Spending 9 years abroad without any cousins / grandparents does that to you I guess, especially during my younger years. I have always thought of the Eid as the end of the fasting month, and in recent years an excuse to smoke during the day in public that is. Even until now, Eid hasn't exactly been the grand celebration that I want it to be. My mind says celebrate, but my heart isn't jumping around for joy. Jaded? Only old I guess.
My views have gotten me in trouble with the wife before, especially when it comes to celebrations. Those who know me know that if its even remotely possible, I'd rather stay home than go anywhere. I just love lounging at home layan Astro and just slobbing around. I have to make an effort just to go out. I do enough walking at work and all so anything extra is just a chore. The traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur don't really help matters either so I do have a good excuse if I need one!
Anyway, off to do a project for a client. Funny thing is that the project might be called off due to one client's department decision on whether to opt in or not. Whatever, as long as we get paid huh? LOL!